Relationship Development Intervention (RDI®)
Are you looking for a therapy that offers more than skills training? Perhaps you want a program that fits better with your hopes for your child?
RDI is different from many other interventions because it works to develop the child’s drive to engage with life and the people in their environment. It enhances the child’s sense of self, thought processes and relationships. When you deal with this essence of autism, the skills needed in life start to fall into place.

Restoring Relationships
Therapy for autism often concentrates on skills. In RDI we focus on the person and their important relationships.
You may feel that your relationship with your family member with autism is unsatisfying, irrespective of their level of functioning. That relationship is essential to unlocking potential. In RDI we support you to grow that relationship. RDI does not attempt to change or ‘cure’, but to enhance your connection – which will be the foundation on which we can build a path to a more enriched life.
Who are we?
The Association of RDI Consultants Australia
The Relationship Development Intervention program is referred to as RDI for simplicity. Our first Australian Consultant started practice in 2004. We have since formed an association of consultants to enhance the practice of RDI in Australia as we realise what a difference it can make to people with autism and their families. Please explore our site to discover more about RDI in Australia. You can also find a consultant who is either local to you or available to work with you from a distance.